these creatures of your working mind- don't fear them or their hunger.



Name: Rolfe Klabunde
Age: 26 years
Gender & Pronouns: CIS Male, he/him
Height: 5'9"
Nationality: German & British
Occupation: Contracted Healer (previously a freelancer)
Magecraft: Blutkunst
Faceclaim: Hawks / Keigo Takami from Boku no Hero Academia


Family Name: Klabunde
Family Members: Leopold (father / dead), Emma (mother / alive), Wilhelm (younger brother / dead)
The Prodigy of the Klabunde Family

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— Klabunde is a longstanding German magus family that specialized in transforming the elements and particularly their blood manipulation arts. Originally, they had ties to Prussian nobility, but later, their noble status weathered away. Because of this, they turned to being involved in the growing German industrial sector. This did not help their reputation in the mage world as the family became more 'modern' by magus standards.— Leopold and Emma Klabunde despaired at their reputation and carried a lot of pride. During this time, Emma gave birth to two sons, Rolfe and Wilhelm. Initially, Rolfe was a premature baby, incredibly in danger of dying until he made a near-miraculous recovery. So, Wilhelm would be the replacement and was allowed to stay within the family.— Soon enough, hope began to appear for Leopold and Emma in the form of Rolfe. At a young age, Rolfe showed immense talent in magecraft, a natural savant. Thinking that his skill would eventually earn him a lofty spot, his parents poured incredible amounts of resources and time, strictly managing his education and his future. Wilhelm would be neglected by both of his parents and was left to mainly teach himself magecraft. Rolfe joined Department of Individual Fundamentals in the Mages Association and soon became an excellent mage and student. Soon, his parents groomed him for a political career, throwing him in situations to practice his maneuvering as much as possible.— When he was 17, he established a position for himself in the Individual Fundamentals Department, and his career was easily blooming. Even though his magecraft is naturally inclined to be dangerous towards other mages, he refined it towards healing, becoming an incredible healer. Yet increasingly, he grew more and more frustrated with the politics and general atmosphere of the Mages Association. It provided no excitement for him, and he wanted to do something more with his life than the meaningless chatter. When he was 18 years old and after his father's death, he simply had enough of this stagnation. Rolfe immediately rebelled against his mother and left the Mages Association. But since he inherited his family's Crest, he was still valuable to his parents. True to their fears, he soon disappeared off the map. Only his sibling, Wilhelm, remained. Wilhelm, who was shunted aside in favor of his older brother, later moved to Japan to study alchemy more in-depth after his brother's disappearance.— Rolfe's blood manipulation magecraft had led him to join some underground mage fighting circles. Here, Rolfe learned how to fight, developing a quick and efficient style. Most importantly, during this time, he met a mysterious woman named "Orchid", who recognized his flightiness and talent. She offered him an opportunity in form of an organization that was forming a copy of the Holy Grail War in a city in Northern China. However, he did not immediately agree to work for her. Merely just kept it in the back of his mind.— After his stunt in the fighting circles, he went to do freelancing work, doing a variety of odd jobs around the world.— When Rolfe was 22 and Wilhelm was 19, Wilhelm was involved in a small-scale, unique Holy Grail War. Wilhelm became the Master of Caster, Circe. During the HGW, Rolfe was invited by his brother and became involved with the events. At the end of this Holy Grail War, Wilhelm eventually was murdered by Assassin after Circe was defeated in battle by a team-effort of Saber and Rider.— After the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, the Klabunde heir reached out to Orchid and finally agreed to work for her. During this time, he even struck up a close romantic relationship with her. However, his work at the organization and their relationship only lasted for two years. He grew bored of his work, and they were too fundamentally different to be compatible. Before he left, he accidentally summoned two Servants using catalysts that were collected in preparation for Orchid's Holy Grail War. The two Servants were: Edward of Woodstock (Archer) and Michel de Nostredame (Caster). He did not want to handle repercussions of summoning two Servants before the Holy Grail War, so he quietly left the organization.— He became a freelancer again in the short period between Orchid's organization and his next employer, Chaldea. Always one for something interesting, he was soon hired to be a medic, because of his talented healing capabilities. He luckily survived the explosion. In the early days of Chaldea, he was involved in the cryopreservation process of Team A, slowing down their blood to reasonable levels for the pods to work. Along for the ride were Edward and Nostradamus, which he brought from China.


Positives: cheerful, optimistic, agreeable, easygoing, intelligent, quick-thinking
Negatives: lazy (for most things), amoral/apathetic, dislikes serious matters, flaky

Likes: apples, coffee, reading, studying, sunglasses, driving, puzzles
Dislikes: politics, paperwork, gum, police, being cold, messy attire and atmosphere

— Rolfe Klabunde is a mage to his core. He is apathetic to the suffering of most, even as a healer. He heals to practice and to refine his magecraft, not out of particular compassion towards humanity. He is flexible in whatever the situation demands him to be: if he is to betray his comrades, he would become a traitor, if he is to run away to save his life, he certainly would not care about seeming like a coward and etc. Though all of this is covered up by a cheerful and incredibly optimistic demeanor. In the worst of situations, Rolfe is quick to suggest the best outcomes. Not one to get into arguments and to brag about his own accomplishments, he certainly goes along with the flow and is usually obedient towards higher-ups. He is agreeable and friendly even with the most difficult of coworkers. Also, his quick thinking has saved his life and others' lives on many occasions, especially when paired with his intellect which he constantly refines.— However, he procrastinates till last minute and refuses to do any work until it's incredibly important. This frustrates a lot of people and it often gets him into a lot of trouble until his silvertongue manages to persuade them to do otherwise. This applies to appointments, commitments and other such things as well as there is a high possibility he will not show up and quick to abandon things he deems not to be interesting. Most of all, he does not like being heavily involved with personal matters, preferring to stay on the periphery of main projects and tasks. If he gets involved, he wishes to support the "hero" instead of being one himself.— Rolfe keeps searching for things to keep him entertained and enjoys talking with a variety of people to get numerous stories from them. But he is like the wind, passing from one person, one event, one place to another. He is a traveler, always searching for something but he does not know what.


Name: Blutkunst
Magecraft Origin: Vacancy
Summary: Blood Manipulation (able to speed up certain processes and its properties within blood & control its flow)
Elemental Affinity: Water
Circuits Quality & Quantity: A / 35
Specialization: Healing (repairing heavy wounds and organ damage), stiffening an enemy's blood to the point of death

- Blutkunst is a form of magecraft that manipulates the opponent(s)' blood and its properties. It often requires strategy to utilize it most effectively. In combat, the user can control the properties of blood to stop the flow of blood and prevent the enemy's circulation, therefore causing the opponent's immediate death. Other methods include creating clots in the blood to trigger paralysis, stopping blood at other parts of the body (even incurring a high possibility of strokes), and increase blood pressure to the point of explosion past the person's arteries, organs and even body.- Rolfe often resorts to stiffening the enemy's blood quickly as possible to ensure a fast method to deal with the problem.- This blood magecraft can often cause irreversible damage to the victim. Though, it's better for causing permanent damage than fixing it. Healing is like doing this magecraft in reverse; it's much more difficult.- However, for Rolfe specifically, he chooses to mainly utilize it for healing. He can speed up the healing process incredibly fast. He is also able to manipulate the blood to create more collagen, tissue, and direct the flow of blood to area of the wound. He is able to stop major blood loss with some ease. But anything like major organ damage, he will need time and energy to efficiently deal with.- Of course, the level of damage and healing depends on the user's inherent skill. And even though Blutkunst is able to utilized over a distance and over multiple people, farther the person or more people, the more energy and concentration the magecraft requires. It is highly unlikely that Rolfe is able to cause irreversible system damage to a group of people at once.


- a commission done by bookbrienne on twitter.